Autumn Equinox

Autumn Fall Equinox

Tipping the Scales of Time

As the crisp autumn breeze whispers through the trees and leaves begin to turn vibrant hues of red, orange, and gold, we find ourselves at the cusp of a special celestial event—the Autumn Equinox of September 2023. The autumn equinox, a moment when day and night stand in perfect balance, marks the official onset of autumn.  It's a time of transition, reflection, and celebration, as we bid farewell to the warmth of summer and welcome the cozy embrace of autumn.

The term "equinox" originates from the Latin words "aequus" (equal) and "nox" (night), symbolizing the equality of daylight and darkness during this pivotal time of year. The Autumn Equinox occurs annually around September 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, resulting in nearly equal lengths of day and night.  Conversely, in the Southern Hemisphere, this event is celebrated as the Spring Equinox, marking the emergence of warmer days. 

The equinoxes hold profound significance across cultures and have been observed as sacred moments for centuries. They symbolize balance, harmony, and the cycles of nature. It's a time to pause, take stock of the year's journey so far, and prepare for the months ahead.

There are many simple ways to connect to the shift in season. Instead of seeing the suggestions listed below as things “to do”, instead be playful and curious about how to incorporate them into your celebration.

Ways to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox

  • Create a Nature Altar: Build an altar in your home or garden with items that symbolize autumn's essence—fall leaves, acorns, pinecones, and candles. Use this sacred space for meditation, reflection, and setting intentions for the season.

  • Harvest Ritual: If you have a garden, consider performing a harvest ritual. Offer gratitude to the Earth for its bounty, and share your homegrown produce with friends and neighbors. Alternatively, visit a local farmer's market and appreciate the fruits of the season.

  • Feast with Friends and Family: Gather loved ones for a special fall equinox meal. Prepare dishes using seasonal ingredients like pumpkin, apples, and squash. Share stories and express gratitude for the connections that enrich your life.

  • Nature Walk: Take a leisurely stroll through a nearby park or forest, soaking in the sights, sounds, and scents of autumn. Collect fallen leaves, and if you're near a body of water, consider skipping stones to symbolize letting go of what no longer serves you.

  • Candlelit Meditation: Light candles in your home or outside as dusk approaches. Meditate on the balance of light and dark in your own life. What areas could use more equilibrium?

  • Divination and Reflection: Use tarot cards, oracle decks, or simply journaling to gain insights into your life's direction. Reflect on your accomplishments, challenges, and intentions for the season ahead.

  • Create Art or Crafts: Embrace your creative side by engaging in autumn-themed art projects. Paint or sketch the changing foliage, make a seasonal wreath, or carve a pumpkin to express your creativity.

  • Donate or Volunteer: Give back to your community by donating warm clothing or volunteering at a local shelter. The equinox is a reminder of the importance of helping those in need as we head into the colder months.

Embrace Harmony and Balance: Exploring Libra Season

As we welcome in the Autumn with the Equinox, the astrological wheel turns once again, welcoming Libra season. Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, is associated with the element of Air and is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony.  Libra season, which typically spans from September 22rd to October 22nd, brings with it a renewed focus on balance, relationships, and aesthetic appreciation.

Libra Season Scales Balance

6 Qualities of Libra

  1. Balancing Act: Libra is often symbolized by the Scales, representing its inherent desire for balance and equilibrium. Those born under this sign are natural peacemakers and seek harmony in all aspects of life.

  2. Charm and Diplomacy: Libras are known for their charm and diplomatic skills. They have the ability to diffuse tense situations and make everyone feel heard and valued.

  3. Aesthetic Appreciation: Ruled by Venus, Libras have a deep appreciation for art, beauty, and aesthetics. They often have a refined sense of style and a love for all things elegant and pleasing to the senses.

  4. Relationship-Oriented: Libras thrive in partnerships and relationships. They value connection and often go to great lengths to maintain harmony and fairness in their interactions with others.

  5. Indecisive at Times: Libras' desire for balance can sometimes lead to indecision. They may struggle to make choices, fearing that one option might upset the delicate equilibrium they strive to maintain.

  6. Social Butterflies: Libras are sociable creatures who enjoy being in the company of others. They're skilled conversationalists and have a knack for making friends wherever they go.

The qualities of Libra are not limited to the people born under it’s sign. The Libra season holds similar qualities that we all feel to a certain extent.

Embracing Libra Season

Libra season encourages you to embrace these qualities and seek a better sense of balance in your own lives. It's a time to assess your relationships, both personal and professional, and ensure that they are harmonious and mutually beneficial. 

  • Evaluate Your Relationships: Take a moment to assess your relationships.

    Are they balanced and fair? Are you giving and receiving in equal measure? If not, consider what changes you can make to restore equilibrium.

  • Focus on Aesthetics: Indulge your artistic side during Libra season.

    Explore art galleries, redesign your living space, or simply take in the beauty of nature. Incorporate more beauty and elegance into your daily life.

  • Practice Diplomacy: Strive to be more diplomatic in your interactions with others.

    Listen actively, seek compromise, and find common ground. Remember that harmony is often achieved through understanding and empathy.

  • Make Decisions with Confidence: Don't let indecision hold you back.

    Practice making choices and trusting your judgment. Trust that balance can be maintained even when decisions are made.

The Autumn Equinox of September invites you to embrace the beauty of change and the rhythm of nature. As the world outside transforms, you have an opportunity to reflect on your growth and journey. 

By celebrating this moment of balance, you can find harmony in your lives and renew your connection to the Earth. 

Whether through rituals, nature walks, or sharing a meal with loved ones, the fall equinox provides a perfect opportunity to express gratitude, set intentions, and welcome the magic of autumn into your heart.

So, go ahead, step outside, and savor the beauty of this enchanting season.


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