Aries Season Lighting the spark

On the Spring or Vernal Equinox, the sun transitions into the bold and fiery sign of Aries beginning the new Astroloical year. We find ourselves at the threshold of a dynamic and invigorating time known as Aries season. Lasting from approximately March 20th to April 19th, Aries season marks the beginning of the astrological new year and heralds a period of fresh starts, courageous endeavors, and unbridled enthusiasm. It is a time to connect to your inner spark and ignite the fire within.

Astrological Significance of Aries Season

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, energy, and assertion. Symbolized by the Ram, Aries is characterized by its pioneering spirit, unwavering determination, and fearless pursuit of goals. During Aries season, the collective energy is infused with vitality, passion, and a strong desire for independence and self-expression.

At its core, Aries season encourages you to embrace your inner warrior and take bold leaps forward in pursuit of your dreams. It is a time for asserting yourself, initiating new projects, and embracing the thrill of adventure. Under the influence of Aries, you are reminded of your innate power to blaze your own trail and overcome any obstacles that stand in your way.

Ways to work with Aries Season

1. Embrace Courageous Action: Channel the fearless spirit of Aries by taking courageous action towards your goals and aspirations. Whether it's starting a new project, pursuing a passion, or asserting yourself in a challenging situation, trust in your ability to overcome obstacles and forge ahead with confidence.

2. Cultivate Self-Assertion: Aries season encourages you to assert yourself authentically and unapologetically. Stand up for your beliefs, set boundaries, and honor your truth without fear of judgment or rejection. Embrace your individuality and let your unique light shine brightly.

3. Seize Opportunities for Growth: Embrace the spirit of adventure and seize opportunities for growth and expansion. Be open to trying new experiences, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and embracing the unknown. Trust that each challenge you encounter is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

Journal Prompts for Aries Season

To deepen your connection with the energy of Aries season, consider exploring the following journal prompts:

  • What courageous action are you being called to take in your life right now?

  • How can you assert yourself more confidently and authentically in your relationships and interactions?

  • What new adventures or experiences are you excited to explore during Aries season?

  • In what areas of your life do you need to embrace greater independence and self-reliance?

  • How can you cultivate a greater sense of fearlessness and resilience in the face of challenges?

Tarot Card: Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands embodies the potent energy of Aries season, symbolizing new beginnings, inspiration, and creative potential. It symbolizes the spark of creativity within you and can signal a time of renewal and excitement for new opportunities.

Seize the moment, step into your power, be bold with your intentions and forge your own path.

“I open myself to receiving new ideas and inspiration. I honor my creativity, knowing that I am a vessel through which the universe speaks.”  Liz Worth

(Left to right) Oak,Ash & Thorn, Rider-Waite Smith, Wild Unknown, Light Seer’s

Tarot Spread: Igniting Your Inner Fire

Place your chosen Ace of Wands card at the top. Shuffle your deck and ask each question quietly to yourself. Once you feel centered, draw a card and place it facedown underneath the Ace of Wands. Continue to shuffle and ask the questions for the remaining placements.

  • Card 1 - Ignite: What passion or desire is calling to be ignited within you during Aries season?

  • Card 2 - Action: What bold action can you take to harness the energy of Aries and manifest your desires?

  • Card 3 - Potential: What creative potential or opportunity awaits you as you embrace the energy of Aries season?

    Once all the cards are face down, slowly turn each one over to reveal the images. Take your time. Simply allow your gaze to take in the entire spread without reaching for the guidebook.

    Trust your own intuitive process.

    Notice the images, colors and other elements that draw your attention. Do a quick sketch in your journal or write down the name of the cards. Continue to journal from your own instincts and follow up with the guidebook for additional information.

As you journey through Aries season, may you embrace the fiery energy of the Ram and harness its transformative power to ignite your passions, take courageous action, and manifest your deepest desires.

May this be a time of fearless self-expression, bold exploration, and unbridled enthusiasm as you embrace the adventure of life with an open heart and unwavering courage.

Aries Season Planting Seeds of Intention

Connect to the vibrant and creative energy of Aries season and plants the seeds and continue to nourish your dreams.


Cancer Season


Spring Equinox