Dance of Life

Hello, I’m Blythe!

This summer has been a big year of transition for me.  Turning 50 last week was just the beginning.    I am navigating the shift from full-time mom and homeschool parent to exploring what my next step will be.  I’m laughing at the idea of finding out what I want to be when I grow up.   I am putting aside my fears and doubts, and trying to quiet my inner critic and perfectionistic tendencies.  I have been talking about starting a blog for years.  Today, I am finally taking the plunge.  I am showing up for you and showing up for me. 

This abstract sculpture by Douwe Blumberg is the perfect place to start my journey.  The figure is releasing a flock of birds to the sky.  I love the curve of the back as a gesture of release and heart opening.  This sculpture is located in my adopted town of Davidson, North Carolina.   I am lucky to have found this small town, which is a vast contrast to my Appalachian mountain home in Roan Mountain, Tennessee.   Over the past 11 years of living in the south, I have traversed between the mountains and Davidson while my husband worked in Charlotte. 

My superpower is dealing with the pressures of life by staying rooted in my daily rhythms and rituals.  I have cultivated these practices over the last 20 years to help me meet my challenges with a greater sense of ease and resilience.  I have learned that I am strong.  I am courageous.  I am compassionate and kind.  I am a lifelong learner, and I am interested in exploring who I am and how I relate to the world around me.  

I hope to use this space to explore my interests and connect with other people. The quiet and isolation of the mountains has been wonderful, but I am ready to get out and explore and share ideas with others.

Here are some of my interests that I’d love to share with you.

My personal sadhana of yoga asana, meditation, pranayama (breath).

What radical self-care means to me and what it looks like on a daily basis.

Using tarot and oracle cards as intuitive tools. 

Journaling to follow my rambling brain and help process this crazy world.

Creativity through visual journaling and meeting the blank page.

Practices of simplicity, sustainability and engagement in a slower pace life.

Cooking and preserving nourishing foods and medicinal herbs.

Hiking and exploring the Appalachian mountains.

Sharing my current and future book lists.

Thank you for reading this far! 

I hope this space can be a place of gathering and sharing.  

